Hold meetings at CC



I am sorry to hear that the council has rejected the opportunity to move council meetings to the new room being prepared for them at our Community Center. Since the seventies (or before), important city council meetings have been crowded into a room too small for community involvement.

1) Our local government will be more efficient when they meet in an area that has enough room for 50 people or so and parking and ADA compliance.

2) Our community will become stronger and more efficient when we can witness our local representatives at work and hear firsthand what we each have to say.

3) We have many very important issues including the maintenance of our sewers, water systems, lakes and dams that should be dealt with as soon as possible and we need a regular meeting area to make plans together.

We are still the only town that defeated a major power line proposal that was not needed or necessary. We have the power to accomplish important things when we decide to work together.

Mike Shah