Hog farm must go, and can



It has been three years now since AEP/SWEPCO sent our small town into a tizzy with their injudicious proposal to run a humongous power line through our beautiful community. We successfully fought off SWEPCO’s misanthropic misadventure.

About the same time, the hog farm on the Buffalo National River was approved and built, and continues to exist despite growing evidence it is damaging our state’s most precious and important National Park. People concerned with closing the hog farm have asked the secret of our success in stopping SWEPCO.

First we had the leadership of Pat Costner. Second, we had a community that stood united against it. Third, we had strong evidence against the need for it and fourth, we had great press coverage.

Regulatory agencies’ purpose is not to protect the public, but to enable corporations to get what they want. When it comes to dealing with regulatory agencies, it’s best to start with the knowledge that they will not take any steps to protect us that we are unwilling or unable to force them to take.

I urge those interested in protecting tourism and the environment to contact the governor’s office and the head of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality and urge them to close the hog farm as soon as possible to prevent any further damage to one of our state’s most important resources. Governor Asa Hutchinson (501) 682-2345;

Becky Keogh, Director of the ADEQ (501) 682-0959

Please attend the meeting at the UU fellowship on Elk St. Thursday night from 7-8:30 p.m. Dr. Van Brahana will present the latest report on independent monitoring efforts and the growing evidence of impairment.

Doug Stowe


  1. Thanks for the great letter, Doug. This issue needs the support of all Arkansans, but the passion and energy of Eurekans is hard to beat. The Buffalo needs you now!

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