HISID wrangles with financials


During their Dec. 18 special meeting, new commissioners Doug Pinkley and Randy Rahlf were sworn to the Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District board. 

                When discussion of the November financials came around, talk about the cost of construction for a wellhouse became forefront. HISID may be looking at a $1,000,000 or more to build the wellhouse in 2024, for which commissioner Doug Pinkley expressed disbelief. In a previous meeting it was mentioned that the board agreed to accept a low interest rate government loan for the wellhouse construction. 

                Pinkley then spent time arguing that HISID needs to change the way it operates, saying that commissioners should act as the district managers. He said HISID could save money by not having a district manager on payroll and instead have an acting clerk to handle day-to-day business.

Chair Phyllis Sarratt told Pinkley that he could not come to the meeting and attempt to reorganize a commission and role that is governed by the state of Arkansas. She informed Pinkley that they are not allowed to function the way that was suggested.

Pinkley suggested reworking the 2024 budget, which will be on the table in January.

                Regarding the wellhouse being constructed, commissioners were told some of the high costs that go into its construction are not just limited to $70,000 for each of two pumps. Commissioners were told that cost does not include the motors, controls inside the wellhouse, and a monitoring system for well integrity.

By the end of discussion, the November financials were not approved with some commissioners complaining how they received them.

Other Items

  • The board agreed to renew the interlocal agreement between HISID and the City of Holiday Island for road maintenance, with the city contributing $23,990. They also agreed to an interlocal agreement for fire protection services totaling $50,000 from the city. Those funds will be used to repair radios and purchase new ones.
  • Larry Stamps was voted as Chair for 2024, Randy Rahlf is Vice-Chair, and Doug Pinkley, secretary.


  1. Mr. Alvarado, thank you for your coverage of the Dec. 18 REGULAR Meeting of the HISID board. A minor clarification, the low-interest loan is for the addition of a UV treatment unit to remove chlorine from the already-treated wastewater discharged into Table Rock Lake. The 2024 Budget was unanimously approved at the November 20 Special Meeting. No further action is required. Again, thank you for your coverage of our meetings. Phyllis Sarratt, Commissioner.

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