Himself, at last



Here, today, in Trump’s response to McCain’s death, we see how total shallowness and complete vanity can conjoin in one vicious buffoon to alienate all decent people.

Do not, though, be surprised that many Republicans continue to adhere loyally to the Rump-of-Trump. Their wish list has been fulfilled, from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to Jerusalem. They’re just about to stamp out science. Also, remember that on George W. Bush’s last day in office, about a third of Americans polled approved of each and every thing the little Bush boy had ever done – weapons of mass destruction, et al.

So, get ready, one-third of our country believes in the past and fears the future. They want a strong man. This time, they got petulant Donny in a poorly-draped suit, for whom they turn out in droves because he appeals to their true self, apparently more “conservative” than they feel comfortable expressing in public (at work).

So, this is what I think the Democratic Party owes to all thinking people. Let us decide. No more super-candidates, no more super-delegates, no more forcing on the party faithful a candidate that, get this – they knew one-half the electorate did not want to vote for. Do the math. So, if the Democratic Party can wake up and get up and live, the people are ready for reality.

We have seen enough of fat-ass and his flunkies, including our senators and congressman. Talk about needing to drain the swamp.

But, to return to the matter at hand, addressing you directly, Mr. President: You are the phrase that when young, we practiced rolling on our tongues like a hard candy of language, words we never thought we’d really get to use, in you incarnate in particularly revolting makeup, the old teenage cliché, now sadly true for all of us: You are beneath contempt.

David Zimmermann