Heroes can’t be still



Sometimes I wake up struggling in the blanket, trying to jump out of the pages of the John LeCarre novel we are living in. I don’t think that even he could come up with some of this plot because it would be considered too unreal. Trump has recently hired a new law firm, Morgan Lewis, which is none other than 2016’s Russian Law Firm of the Year! Seriously. I’m not joking.

Here’s what else is not funny. During the past 3 ½ months, a 61 year-old woman has been sentenced to one year in prison for laughing during Sessions’ confirmation hearing for US Attorney General; a news reporter was arrested for asking Tom Price, HHS Secretary, questions about healthcare, and 200 random people are facing 75 year prison sentences for felony arrests during Trump’s inauguration.

Republicon Congresspeople are conspiring with Trump by steadfastly ignoring the show in the Center Ring. Under cover of blatant graft and treason, they are weaving their destructive web of tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of everything. Slowly the noose of fascism is tightening around the throat of our constitution, silencing the Great American Democracy for the greed of the few over the rights and needs of the many.

Will we live under the thumb of our new Russian overlords? Or will we find the courage to wake from the slumber of partisanship and “other” to find our humanity and commonality as a free people who love our country and constitution? To quote Mariah Carey, “The Hero Lies In You.”

Sheri Hanson