Helping better than harping



Regarding the comments of Ms. Powell and Ms. Schneider in last week’s paper about the Bank Robbery Re-enactment, it seems to me that it’s much easier to criticize than to get involved, isn’t it!

These people have no idea how much work went into the re-enactment to make it as historically accurate as possible, how many volunteers were involved, how much money was spent, and the hours spent rehearsing.

I have been involved in this re-enactment for the past two years. It’s fun, but it’s work!  

Next year will be the 50th anniversary of the re-enactment. I would suggest rather than just sitting around and griping about how they think it should be, they get off of their rears and get involved! Can you do a better job? Well then, let everyone know! Oh, wait, that would actually involve doing something. Never mind. These two can just sit back and complain… again!

Steve “Yip” Vorbeck