Healthcare for the privileged



Coming on the heels of the horrendous health care bill passed by the House on May 4, Sen. Hatch’s remarks add insult to injury and the American people deserve an apology. He stated, “The public wants every dime they can be given. Let’s face it, once you get them on the dole, they’ll take every dime they can. We’ve got to find some way of getting things under control or this country and your future is going to be gone.”

Adding his own insult, Republican Sen. Paul Labrador stated on May 5, “Nobody dies because they don’t have access to health care.”

Seems that asking for decent health care is a luxury we all should be denied, except of course, members of the House, who voted themselves exempt from their own bill.

Those of us “on the dole” include roughly 10.1 million people who buy insurance through the law’s exchanges and qualify for tax credits that discount their premiums. Although there’s no hard data on how many have jobs, it’s safe to assume the vast majority do because otherwise they wouldn’t have enough income to qualify.

It remains to be seen what the Senate will do. You can give them a call at (202) 224-3121 (Capitol Switchboard) to ask for an apology at least! Sen. Cotton will be one of the leading architects of the next healthcare plan.

Nan Johnson and Dave Spencer