HDC shaping changes to run by council


The Historic District Commission held a short meeting last week following a workshop to discuss minimum maintenance issues. During the workshop, the HDC reviewed the city’s existing ordinance and considered possible changes, especially in these areas: signs of deterioration, penalties for non-compliance, and procedures for inspection, notification, and corrective action.

The commission will draft proposed changes and consider them at the next meeting, before referring any changes to the city council for passage.

In other business:

  • The Eureka Springs Cemetery, at 4127 E. Van Buren, was added to the National Registry in 2018. The cemetery dates back to 1889, and City Historic Preservation Officer Kylee Hevrdejs said it has undergone many changes since then, but still retains its historic integrity. In reviewing a request to add a 12×28-ft. prefabricated cabin to serve as an office, Hevrdejs noted that the cabin will be set near an existing maintenance shop with a complementary design. Commissioners all agreed.
  • The Eureka Springs Hospital received approval to add a concrete walkway to an area with sleeping rooms for hospital personnel who must be on hand around the clock. The approval also included a request to replace three awnings.
  • At 37 Alexander St., Jesse Anderson received approval for a project to rebuild a porch. The property has been vacant since 2005, and Hevrdejs described it as “threatened by deferred maintenance.” A porch was removed last year, and the applicant would like to rebuild the porch, at six ft. wide and 32 ft. long. The porch will have a wooden railing 42 inches high. The approval also covered repairs to siding and shingles.
  • Jason Bridges received approval for a decorative metal barrier at the back of his property at 34 N. Main St. The barrier will prevent further erosion and damage to his building.
  • Commissioner Kyle Palmer has promoted the Dollars and Sense initiative of Preserve Arkansas, and he shared information with the other commissioners for a future discussion.
  • Commissioner Dee Bright reminded everyone of the upcoming city-wide clean-up, from April 11-15. She said collection tags are available in advance from city hall.
  • The commission will next meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6. Level III applications are due by March 24, and other levels are due March 30.