HDC says Yes to new residence


Historic District Commission Chair Dee Bright began the Oct. 2 meeting by reminding the public of the commission’s focus: The HDC only decides upon exterior architectural features. She cautioned the other commissioners not to comment on issues outside the commission’s purview, including the size of a building. Setbacks, parking, drainage, and sewer capacity do not concern the HDC.

“Discussing these types of issues confuses the public,” Bright said. She also noted that new residential structures do not go before the Planning Commission unless they require a variance.

The commission had a Level III application for new construction on the agenda, which they approved without objections. Michael Dodge described a two-story house at 10 Magnetic Dr., with an approximate footprint of 36×30 ft. The house will have front and side decks with exterior stairs.

Dodge said the house will have a standing-seam metal roof and the deck railings will be cable.

Commissioner Debbie Davis asked Dodge to let commission staff know when he decides on his windows and doors. The city maintains records with detailed histories of buildings. Bright said the information folders maintained by the city have been a valuable resource for the Preservation Society.

In other business:

  • During public comments, Steve Holifield spoke “as a concerned neighbor, not as a councilman.” He warned against the ballot item that could eliminate the City Advertising and Promotion Commission and the taxes collected by the CAPC. Holifield, a former HDC commissioner, said cutting back on advertising would hurt tourism. The cities that have eliminated similar commissions “regretted it immediately.”

Holifield also reminded everyone that tourists pay most of the CAPC taxes. People who live here pay CAPC tax at restaurants, but they rarely use motels here. He also pointed out that only the residents of the city can vote on this issue, and many business owners live outside the city limits. “Word of mouth is the most important, to tell people how disastrous this will be,” he said. “We can talk about changes to the CAPC, but not this.”

Bright said, “I agree wholeheartedly with everything he said.”

  • During discussion about upcoming agenda items, Davis asked about setting a date for a work session to discuss seminars in Florida and Hot Springs.
  • Bright said a replacement had been located for Kyle Palmer, who resigned from his position as Director of Planning and Community Development. Cassie Dishman will attend the next HDC meeting.
  • The HDC will next meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 16. Level III applications were due Oct. 3, and Level II applications were due Oct. 9.