HDC OKs shed razing, denies metal bollards


The Historic District Commission had a very light agenda for the June 7 meeting, and a bare quorum of commissioners including “new” commissioner Frank Green. He had previously served for 15 years on the HDC but stepped down from the commission 10 years ago.

Vice-chair Peter Graham presided over the meeting as commissioners considered a single Level III application. Lynn Spencer asked to remove an ancillary structure at 137 N. Main St. The application also called for placing parking bollards along the side property line.

The shed has deteriorated and been declared unsafe by Building Inspector Jacob Coburn. All commissioners approved the demolition, but they objected to using powder-coated black metal bollards. A black metal fence had once been in place there, but commissioners suggested stone blocks instead. Spencer said she had not considered stone, but she liked that idea better. All approved the amended application.

Spencer also has a tree removal application pending, but that will go before the Planning Commission. The commissioners noted that the tree threatens a historic retaining wall.

A training session for Main Street Eureka Springs is scheduled from 4:30-5:30 p.m. on July 14, and all commissioners were encouraged to attend.

The HDC will next meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 21. Level III applications were due June 8, and Level II applications were due June 14.