HDC OKs parking pad and pedestrian bridge repair


The Historic District Commission had missed a scheduled meeting on Feb. 19, but the commissioners still faced a light agenda at the March 5 meeting.

At 33 Ridgeway Ave., applicant Daniel Ledbetter asked to add a parking pad. The house dates to 1914 and is considered contributing. He also asked to modify the fence line to encompass the parking pad. Ledbetter explained that the owners will go before the Planning Commission to request a Conditional-Use Permit for a home occupation, and they will need additional off-street parking. All approved the application, and Chair Dee Bright reminded everyone that the HDC looks at parking issues on a case-by-case basis.

At 26 S. Main St., applicant John Bordeaux represented owner John Cross to request approval to remove stucco on the front and sides of the building, to be replaced with cement fiber lap siding. The stucco on the rear of the building will be replaced with cement fiber panels. The application also called for new awnings, and all approved the project.

Bordeaux also represented Cross’s application to repair the pedestrian bridge over Main Street. All approved the request, which includes decking and structural components. 

A property at 79-81 Spring St. dates to 1920 and is considered contributing. Bordeaux again represented Cross, with a request to repair and replace stone steps and add guardrails. All approved the application.

The commissioners only considered one Level III application, also with Bordeaux representing Cross. At 12 S. Main, the HDC approved a request to demolish an addition and rebuild in the same footprint. The materials will match the rest of the building.

The HDC will next meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 19. Level III applications were due March 6, and Level II applications were due March 12. A workshop will precede the March 19 meeting at 5 p.m., seeking ways to educate the public about HDC requirements.

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