HDC good with Basin Park steps changes


Anyone who blinked might have missed the Nov. 20 meeting of the Historic District Commission. The agenda only included two items, and neither provoked any discussion.

Parks Director Sam Dudley received quick approval for a request regarding the steps leading to the gazebo in Basin Park. The wooden railway tie and gravel steps will be replaced with limestone.

At 60B Wall St., Charles Longenecker received approval without objections for his plan to build a carport with materials to match the house.

Commissioners spent some time on scheduling, especially on the question of holding a regular meeting on Dec. 18. That meeting might not be necessary, but if it is canceled, the next scheduled meeting would be on Jan. 1, and that meeting would not be held. Applicants might have to wait until Jan. 15 for a hearing. The commissioners will wait to see if there are any applications for the Dec. 18 meeting before making a decision.

The HDC will next meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 4. Level III applications were due Nov. 21, and Level II applications are due Nov. 27.