HDC gives the nod to detailed requests


Historic District commissioners had no objection to the applications on the agenda Nov. 6, as the applications were all accompanied by extensive photographs and drawings.

George Robinson, at 7 Charles Circle, had appeared at the Oct. 16 HDC meeting asking to replace siding on a section of his house with stucco. He also sought approval to replace three windows above doors with smaller octagon windows. At the previous meeting, commissioners expressed displeasure that Robinson had already begun removing siding before coming before the commission. They also had reservations about mixing different materials on an exterior.

His application had been tabled pending a site visit by Building Inspector Paul Sutherland, who submitted a letter in support of the application. Commissioners quickly granted approval.

Jay and Dixie Stark, at 2 Pine Oak, submitted a Level III application for extensive demolition and remodeling. They expect to re-use the existing basement and foundation. The Starks also had a supporting letter from Sutherland, who said the finished product would be very similar in appearance to the existing house.

At 48 Anderson St., Lilah Anderson received approval for her plan to replace siding on an addition with metal siding and cedar planks. The application also included stone accents to the breezeway and replacing rotten deck boards.

  • The HDC will next meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 20. Level III applications were due Nov. 7, and Level II applications are due Nov. 14.
  • The HDC still has one vacancy.
  • During the Commissioner Comments period, Chair Dee Bright mentioned that a limited number of tickets are now available for the Tour of Homes. She also expressed her thanks to all those who voted to keep the City Advertising and Promotion Commission in place.