HDC blocks new home construction


Members of the Historic District Commission rejected a proposal to build a new single-family residence at 19 Fairmount St. At the Aug. 21 commission meeting, the HDC considered an application for Bruce and Lynne Wright, whose proposed plan would fill most of the lot. The Wrights’ plan included space for parking in front of the house.

Public comments questioned whether the plan included sufficient setbacks from property lines. Drainage issues were raised, as well as infrastructure issues that would be exacerbated by another house. 

Commissioners also had concerns about the size of the house, relative to the small lot. They noted that the project had not yet gone before the Planning Commission, and Planning would have the authority to approve or reject the size of the house. Kyle Palmer, the city’s director of Planning and Community Development, reminded commissioners that the HDC only reviews design and materials, and the overall influence of a project on a neighborhood.

The application failed, with a 2-2 vote.

In other business:

  • Terry McGuire had appeared at the August7 HDC meeting with an application to build townhouses at 2 Judah St. At that time, commissioners had reservations about the orientation of the two four-plex buildings, and tabled the application pending a site visit. The site visit was held just before this meeting, and all approved a modified design plan with little further discussion.
  • At 279 Spring St., owner Jim Girkin received approval to clear a house destroyed by fire earlier this year. The house, built in the 1960s, was not considered contributing.
  • A building at 176 Spring St. had already undergone significant changes in the past and is no longer considered contributing. Owner Chad Brekelbaum received approval for a plan to rehabilitate the front porch and a window and add a back porch with spiral stairs.
  • Parks Director Sam Dudley asked for approval to replace deteriorated wood on the Crystal Terrace Bridge. He said the footbridge is located behind the Carnegie Library, and the bridge is structurally sound. The wood will be replaced, and the railing will be improved to meet building codes.
  • At 66 Mountain St., Ignacio Nunez can proceed with a plan to upgrade the wooden foundation on a garage to concrete and blocks.
  • Chair Dee Bright suggested further discussion on site visits. Commissioners do not conduct site visits in advance of applications, but sometimes table an application and plan a site visit. Bright discussed scheduling, and asked if site visits should automatically be scheduled in advance of the next meeting. Commissioner Frank Green said holding a site visit before a regularly scheduled meeting would be easier than getting everyone together on another date.
  • This was the last meeting for Palmer, and commissioners expressed their appreciation for his service. Palmer’s voice broke as he thanked them for their “kind words.”
  • The HDC will next meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 4. Level III applications were due by Aug. 22, and Level II applications are due Aug. 29.