HDC approves roof, fencing and decks


The Historic District Commission met last Tuesday, Jan. 25, after snow led to postponement of the meeting scheduled for Jan. 19.

Commissioners elected officers for the coming year, with Steve Holifield as chair, Dee Bright as vice-chair, Kyle Palmer as secretary, and Magi Hayde as treasurer. Holifield and Bright have taken turns as chair in recent years, and Holifield asked the other commissioners to prepare for a turn as chair.

The group discussed goals for the coming year. City Historic Preservation Officer Kylee Hevrdejs said she would like to see more outreach and community education projects. A contractor is currently working on new commission guidelines, and they are expected in summer. That will provide an excellent opportunity for public outreach, she noted. Palmer mentioned tax credits available for preservation, and Hevrdejs agreed that many residents overlook available tax credits. Bright said the application process for those tax credits is not difficult, and that the commission should encourage people to take advantage of the program. 

These applications were approved, with very little discussion.

  • Harry Meyer received approval to add a fence in his front yard at 3 Cross St. The fence will measure 25×55 ft., and the powder-coated steel will have the look of wrought iron.
  • At 151 Spring St., Mike Phillip received approval to replace a roof with standing seam metal. The building dates to 1892 and has undergone several exterior alterations. An annex was added in 1992 and is not historic. The new roof will be on the annex, 12×38 ft. Hevrdejs noted in her recommendations that additions to historic structures should be visually distinct from an original building.
  • Jack Moyer represented the Crescent Hotel’s application to add a roof over a portion of the fourth-floor balcony. The approval also included replacing a set of fire escape stairs and a damaged awning.
  • Moyer also represented an application to enclose a porch at 101 N. Main St. for the Basin Park Hotel.
  • Sue Hubbard received approval for a new deck, 14×16 ft., at 92 Wall St. The deck will be constructed of treated lumber, and commissioners approved composite decking because the deck will be largely shielded from public view.
  • Pat Fitzsimmons received approval for additions to five cabins. The additions, 12×12 ft., will each have a large picture window.
  • At 26 Council St., Rowan Dougherty and Wallace Wood can proceed with a fence 36×52 ft., in the side yard. The fence will be wrought iron.

 The HDC will next meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 16. The meeting scheduled for Feb. 2 was cancelled for lack of new business.