HDC aims to edify and simplify


Commissioner Wendi Super presented her Community Outreach Role at the May 2 Historic District Commission meeting, saying the goal of the HDC is “to preserve and protect our town, not to complicate the lives of property owners. We want to be able to educate the historic district community and ensure they engage in the application processes we currently have in place.

“The role aims to simplify the overall process by preparing prospective buyers ahead of time. We want to be proactive in our approach by disseminating information to real estate offices so buyers are more informed of their responsibilities of living in a historic district.”

Super said the HDC has useful printed material available at city hall, and the city website www.eurekasprings.us has the basic guidelines, a map identifying the historic district, and answers to frequently asked questions.

Commissioners discussed ways to interact more effectively with Realtors. Super contended the information is already available, but Realtors should be important partners in educating homebuyers and in making the process better.

Chair Steve Holifield said he would find out about the Realtors’ meetings and report back.

Before that discussion, commissioners voted to approve the application by the Parks Department to remove the failing façade on the restroom at Harmon Park. Parks Director Justin Huss said his crew would prepare the concrete wall underneath for a series of illustrations representing the different features in the park.

Commissioners also approved these two applications:

  • 109 Wall – replace one window
  • 41 Alexander – replace windows, siding

       Commissioners approved these two items on the consent Agenda:

  • West side of North Main at Magnetic – new sign
  • 2 Judah – new sign

The Consent Agenda items are Level I applications that the City Preservation Officer believes to be in accordance with the Design Guidelines.

Holifield presented Administrative Approvals, applications for repair and work involving no changes in materials but which include changes in roofing and paint colors:

  • 10 Mountain – re-roof
  • 10 Magnolia – new paint colors
  • 44 Kingshighway – new roof on bus barn

Commissioner Dee Bright announced HDC will be hosting a “Celebration of 40 Years of Historic Preservation in Eureka Springs” as part of Arkansas Heritage Month at Main Stage Creative Community Center at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 15. The program will include the presentation of “The New Eureka Springs Interactive Art Wall: Then and Now” by Edward Robison and Sandy Martin. The Preservation Society will present its annual awards for projects completed last year and for stewardship of historic properties.

Next meeting will be Wednesday, May 16, at 6 p.m.