

Get out early these days and beat the heat. Stay hydrated while you’re there. This is so important during these sultry days.

Most know this but it also helps me to be reminded, because I get caught up in the moment when fishing and forget to eat, drink and even the time of the day. Hydration is so important especially in hot and humid weather because we tend to lose a lot of our body fluids through sweat.

The reason dehydration becomes a threat to our bodies is that the body is made up of more than 60 percent water. I like to protect from the sun with hats and long sleeve breathable shirts w/a hood, drink breaks often, and misting myself with a spray bottle.

Dipping my hankie in the 47° water on the White River and laying across the back of my neck seems to work every time. That is exactly some of the tricks we pulled on last Tuesday to stay cool in the sun with Sam Bitner from Haskell, Texas. Sam has been camping here for many moons (10 yrs.+), this time for two weeks.

Sam had his son, Tommy Bitner, come on over from Springdale, Ark., and we all jumped in the boat to go off to find some fish, and that we did. Sam got the big one.

Seeing this father and son combo brings me to another important reminder for June. June 20, this Sunday, is Father`s Day. So, the saying for this week is Take Dad fishing.

Check out our Facebook page for more info and pictures of the adventures we provide, fishing and sightseeing tours @ Custom Adventures Guide Service. Or give us a Call at (479) 363-9632