

This has been a month of celebrating birthdays. Started off first was Don McCorvey his wife, Sally, who got him a sightseeing tour for his 83rd birthday. Then it was Vanessa Wade’s birthday week. And this last week was Bill Currie’s 90th birthday.  

Bill has been coming to visit me since his grandsons were tater tots. He has been unable to fish with me in the last few years with Covid and miscellaneous, so it was great to catch up on the last few years. His wife and daughter set the whole trip up for his birthday and they brought the crew. Seven in total, and they live in Fayetteville so two cars were needed as well as two boats. They took enough fish home for a super fish dinner. Pictured here is Bill and his wife, Bimmy. 

Water is high everywhere, lakes and rivers. High water scatters fish and can make it difficult to locate them. High water also creates a massive food source, and actually, all they need is to be satisfied.

So, it gets tricky at this time. When high water occurs, you will want to make a move into the many flooded backwater areas all along the river. In high-water conditions, the fish have a lot more area to use as cover, so you will have to really work these areas over well. 

Remember, the fish are in these areas to get away from the faster currents of the main river. I really enjoy the high water conditions. 

Check us out on Facebook Custom Adventures Guide Service or give us a call at (479) 363-9632, and take someone fishing for their birthday!