

Well, hope everybody had a great eclipse Monday as weather patterns and water conditions have fish responding to their environment and exhibiting different behaviors during the day and night.

For the first time since 1918, North America witnessed a full solar eclipse. Since a full eclipse is such a rare occurrence, no one knows for sure what happens with fishing, but we do know that complete darkness during the day can produce fish, just like fishing half hour before daylight and definitely in the evening right before dark. And the moon phase affects the fishing, also, so I’m sure they’re gonna be confused. It’s just like us.

We’ve seen some rainbow action with redworms, and red-gold hammered spoons have received the most attention. Give the kids some shrimp and chartreuse Power Bait and they’ll bring in a mess of rainbows. We’re occasionally surprised when a good-size brown is found snacking on shrimp, as well.

This picture is of Mercer, my new fishing buddy. He’s two-and-a-half years old. This is his first fishing trip and the first fish he’s ever caught. Nobody really knows how rewarding that is to turn somebody onto their first fish no matter what age they are. But seeing the smile on little kids faces just makes me glow.

Mercer is the son of Jonathan and Jordan Moore. They’re repeat customers for more years than I guess we all thought. After I was trying to send Jordan (Mama) pictures, I realized I had her programmed in my phone as Jordan Boone, her maiden name.

Jonathan and Jordan have been married for five years. She said we probably first met seven or eight years ago, and they come back here to fish every year. Love my repeats, they know the routine and it’s almost like we’re family. They’re from Oklahoma City, and I look forward to seeing them next year, maybe there will be a new baby.