Having Reel Fun


Guide Richard Lee Rusher holds a nice brown trout caught below I don`t keep any fish apart from walleye. Walleye are the best eating and the best trade commodity. We keep fish if our clients choose to and we clean them for you.

We have been catching a lot of slot fish and releasing so they’ll get bigger. I rarely ever have someone complain about catching one so big that they had to release it.

The public expressed a desire to see an increase large rainbow and brown trout they caught from Beaver tailwater. In response, AG&F biologists implemented new regulations and management strategies in 2006, which included a 13”-16” protected slot limit, and revised stocking rates for rainbow and brown trout.

Those strategies were considered the best options to improve size distributions of trout populations. Prior to 2006, rainbow trout were regulated by a five fish/day creel limit with no length restrictions; brown trout were regulated with a 16” minimum length limit and 2 fish/day creel limit.

The protected slot limit allows the harvest of trout smaller and larger than the specified range but protects trout within the range from harvest. In theory, released trout then have opportunity to grow and contribute to the fishery at larger sizes.

Stocking rates of rainbow trout and brown trout were also decreased to reduce competition for limited resources, a typical problem in trout populations. In areas where too many trout are stocked, competition for limited amounts of food has been found to have negative effects on growth rates.

The catch-and-release area was also changed to a “no bait fishing” zone in 2006 in an attempt to reduce angler conflict and allow for the assessment of hooking mortality. Today you can keep 5 each, all under 13 inches, or 4 under 13 inches and one over 16 inches for your total of 5 per person.

Below the dam, try Power Bait in bright colors. White, yellow, sunrise, or orange are good colors. Trout are also biting nightcrawlers. The best lures are small spoons in gold and silver or red and gold colors. Size 7 countdown Rapalas are also good. Try small jigs on breezy days. Olive, white, or olive-orange or brown-orange are good.

Custom Adventures Guide Service (479) 244-5259