Hate that I hate



I suppose I should be grateful. I am fully awake now. I see the slimy darkness as it oozes out from underneath the rocks at my feet. I am galvanized for the fight of my life and I welcome the other light warriors who march in solidarity beside me.

But I wake up every day with hate in my heart, hatred for the white skinned mostly male mostly Republican leaders who are leading the stampede to join forces with our mentally ill and dangerous president, salivating their grotesquely evil greed at every step. Hatred for the vile and contemptible, immoral actions they legislate against each and every one of us in their race to the altar of Most Despicable Human Beings.

Hatred for the unconscionable and obvious attitudes of disrespect and contempt displayed towards women, other countries and our planet. Hatred for the disgusting words that incite violence at every turn. Hatred for the pain and suffering being inflicted upon my fellow human beings and my four-legged brothers and sisters.

Hatred for the sense of entitlement to steal and lie, to cheat and manipulate, anything in order to feed their insatiable greed. Hatred for their complete and total disregard of our sacred traditions.

And the thing I hate the most is that I hate at all.

Perhaps one day I will thank them. But for now I wield the sword of righteousness in an epic battle for all that is right and good, infected by the mobilizing emotions of their own hate and fear.

Kathy Martone