Handicapped bathrooms hard to access



I’ve been called out by Eureka Springs mayor Robert D. Berry for delivering misinformation in the ads I put in the newspapers including your paper. The money I spent on these ads finally got the city’s attention prompting them to attempt to discredit the messenger rather than address the message.

The actual quote in the papers in Eureka Springs read, “There are no wheelchair accessible public restrooms in downtown Eureka Springs.” At the time of printing, the bathrooms at The Aud and Pendergrass Corner were inaccessible. They still are. At the time of printing, the Trolley Station was locked during winter hours with no signs letting anyone know there are accessible bathrooms there. Locked with no signs is not access by any definition of the word.

The actual quote in the Democrat-Gazette read, “Wheelchair accessible public restrooms are available at one location downtown Eureka Springs. There are no signs. You have to guess where they are.” As of today there are still no signs though available hours improved with the summer schedule.

During this week’s City Council meeting after acknowledging a fellow council member also found locked bathrooms at the Trolley Station, Berry stated there was misinformation spread in paid ads and to counter such misinformation he gave the council a packet with a new map identifying the locations of handicapped accessible parking and bathrooms. He said he intends to have signage also.

I searched the public bathrooms at the Aud, Pendergrass Corner and the Trolley Stop today. Still no access at the first two and no signs at any of them directing the disabled to an accessible bathroom. I searched for one of those new maps showing the locations of handicapped accessible bathrooms. No maps  at the Trolley Station,  the library or the Chamber of Commerce. There are other accessible public bathrooms in Eureka Springs but the nearest one to downtown is at the North Main parking lot; a very long, harrowing ride from downtown in a wheelchair.  

Eureka Springs wants and advertises for your tourist dollars but if you are handicapped don’t be misinformed regarding ADA compliance.

Joyce Knowles