Graves for sale



Memorial weekend was alive and well at the ES Cemetery. Cookies and lemonade served with flags flying everywhere. Turnout is estimated at 500-600 people. All comments were very positive. Thanks to an anonymous benefactor, the event was announced on KESA radio and I am sure it helped.

Gloria Stevens, the sexton, made more than 100 signs with photos and bios. The signs were place throughout the cemetery at the grave of the person highlighted.

Founded 138 years ago on 46 acres it currently has about 4500 burials. That is more than twice the population of our town. At this time there are about 250 graves available for sale. The sexton is consistently researching available graves and making maps of each block.

Pat, the superintendent, went all out and the grounds were perfection. The visitors were very generous with donations to the tractor fund. The tractor will be used to fill sunken graves, maintain gravel roads, remove tree stumps, etc.

The tractor is getting closer to being a reality. The cemetery is now on the National Registry of Historic Places. The people of the community use the cemetery for jogging, bike rides, walking and picnics. It is a great place to take a 10-minute clear.

Susan Schaefer