Good manners should prevail



The almost endless, angry braying of opinion submissions to the editor concerning President Trump is quite entertaining. The level of hysteria is as informative as the opinions expressed.

Perched on sanctimonious, self-elevated pedestals of righteousness, indignation, hypocrisy and anger, they mostly serve to educate normal thinking people on what the left really is – remarkable intolerant!

In a sense, the regressive community is like one huge co-dependent group, always spewing the same poisonous rhetoric which makes them feel like they belong to something important.

“We The People” elected President Trump and the success he has had is truly incredible, but you will never know it if you hear the vicious rhetoric coming from the left. Obama’s failures are legion in their almost complete scope and yet the left always supported him, as if his constant speechifying equaled sprinkling magic fairy dust around, believing the world would change to what he wanted?

The truth is that he spread failure like a reverse Midas touch. The left is in a hole and the more hysterical they get, the deeper the hole gets… and they just keep screaming louder? People are about done walking by the hole, because truth is irrelevant when it comes to their derangement concerning our duly elected president. He seems to have a magic wand when it comes to solving problems and all the left wants to do is destroy the wand. People are noticing… just like they did in 2016. Each vicious attack against our president, First Lady Melania, and even 12 year-old Barron confirms how impervious the regressive mind is to logic, fact, reason and civility.

Danny Caywood


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