Goddesses gather


Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 18 for the return of the Goddess Gala/Merlin Foundation Fundraiser at the Basin Park Hotel from 6 – 10 p.m. Enjoy a silent auction with fabulous items, potluck feast, drumming and dancing and all proceeds support Merlin Foundation’s work with abused children.

Bring lovely food to share and your beverage of choice to this woman-only event. All are encouraged to “dress like a goddess.”

Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Tables may be reserved through advance ticket sales in groups of 10 people only. Call Valerie Damon for table reservations at (479) 981-1515. Tickets are available at Gazebo Books, Eureka Market, Wonderland Antiques, or from Valerie Damon. For more information go to Eureka Springs Goddess Gala on Facebook.