God bless America … and hurry!


At age 92, Dr. Cecil Todd could still be considered a pyromaniac for the Gospel. For 74 years he has been busy setting fires – revival fires – in all 50 states and 23 countries conducting Revival Fires Crusades.

And he’s not quite finished.

Following the fall of the Iron Curtain, Todd was the only American and only preacher to speak to a million people at Russia’s May Day Celebration on Red Square. He also hosted Revival Fires on national TV for 20 years and was invited by President Ronald Reagan to the White House weekly to pray and counsel with him.

Todd has overcome cancer four times in his life, and one might have expected his faith to waver with a recent fourth appearance. Instead, his reaction was, “I guess my doctor needed to hear about Jesus Christ one more time.”  The doctor listened. Todd’s cancer is gone.

On Sunday, Oct. 15, the public is encouraged to attend an Acquire the Fire rally with Dr. Cecil Todd at First Christian Church on Passion Play Road in Eureka Springs. The message at 9:15 a.m. Sunday School will be “What Happens When God is With Us?” The 10:30 a.m. Worship Service theme will be “God Bless America Again… and Please Hurry!”

A love offering will be taken to help provide some of the 5,000 military Bibles that have been requested for new recruits to our troops.