God and guns



Two thirds of the God Head have always been together. God sends Christ to Earth for our salvation. Christ states, “I must go back so the Holy Spirit can come.” We are not left unattended.

As I departed the reasonable safety of Carroll County last year to visit friends in California and our sons and grandkids in Oregon, I ask the Holy Spirit to go before me into the dangers of the Left Coast.

In my left pants pocket was a Ruger .380 and one like it under the seat, a .22 derringer in a glasses case in my shirt pocket and a shotgun in the trunk.

If while refueling the Chrysler in Bakersfield, someone(s) tried to carjack my bride and the car, the individual expletives attempting the kidnap would have been arrested, prosecuted, tried and sentenced in six seconds – by me.

Do I know it’s against the law to carry a loaded gun in California? Yes! I live by a higher law. The law of survival and that of the natural law of a male to protect the female mate of 53 years.

At 76, fists are not the weapon of choice in a fight, but the Holy Spirit and a strong trigger finger.

Latest message of wisdom: H.S. says go straight to Oregon this year and skip California.

Richard Waxenfelter
