Go to this class. Sit. Stay. Fetch.


Stop barking about your untrained dog. Instead, discover the joys of positive dog training at the Eureka Springs Community Center on Monday, July 22 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. Jack Richards, experienced trainer, kennel owner, and police dog handler will show you How to Get Your Dog to Do the Right Thing.

And you can even leave the dog home. You’ll be doing the training so you’re the one who’ll be trained to understand what makes Fido tick and how to get him to do what you want. Jack his demo dog will show you the ropes and give you and your pet a new leash on life.

Come fetch some valuable skills and go home with a dog training toolbox based in positive reinforcement. Just roll over to ESCC and sign up at the front desk or call (479) 239-0029 and get ready for a real treat. Cost is $20 for members and $25 nonmembers.