Gerald Mike Clark Feb. 24, 2019


Gerald Mike Clark left this world February 24, 2019. His last words of wisdom: “I was resigned to the knowledge that I had lost all appreciation of the outside world, that the loss of its bright colors was an inescapable part of the loss of my childhood, and that in a certain sense, one had to pay for freedom & maturity of the soul with the renunciation of this cherished aura. But now, overjoyed, I saw that all this had only been buried or clouded over & that it was still possible even if you had become liberated & had renounced your childhood happiness. To see the world shine and to savor the delicious trill of the child’s vision. I love & miss you all praise the lord for the child’s vision take care of each other. Love you, Mike.”

Join his family in a Celebration of Mike on his birthday June 23, 2019 at Chelsea’s, time to follow.