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As the tale of betrayal and treason inundating the Trump White House spiral in an ever widening gyre, we add more names in this saga: DeVos and Zuckerberg.

In a November 22, 2016 Forbes article, Jared Kushner bragged about his “Stealth Data Machine” that won the White House for Donald Trump. In an article dated October 31, 2016, Slate magazine reported on the connections in Kushner’s “Machine.”

For months during the election cycle, reporters noted constant Internet data traffic between Trump Towers servers and Russian Alfa Bank’s servers. Now we learn of a third leg in those data transmissions.

Spectrum Health, a DeVos family (of Amway pyramid-scheme wealth) company’s computer servers appear to have been receiving, replicating and updating hacked voter records with more complete data gleaned from their voluminous patient records. Then after being updated and replicated, that data was transmitted to Trump Tower servers, Alfa Bank servers, and finally to the Kremlin for weaponization based on targeted voter information.

Confirming these allegations, computer data scientists recently published Meta data from their IP addresses and noted consistent lengths of time for each transmission and period of rest.

Intelligence shows Russia’s GRU hacked both DNC voter rolls and voter registration systems throughout the 2016 election cycle. While no data was stolen, deleted or changed, it was replicated.

Zuckerberg’s Facebook recently admitted taking illegal ad money from Russian companies. Whether Zuckerberg’s company is complicit is undetermined. But the reported $100,000 ad buys placed a lot of political ads on Facebook . Those ads aimed to destroy the opposition: Hillary Clinton.

Betsy DeVos, now part of the Trump cabinet, is turning our public school system into private charter and alternative (religious) schools.

Her brother, Eric Prince, owner of infamous Blackwater private military, is lobbying for his new “logistics” company, Frontier Resource Group, to replace our military in Afghanistan. So far, our generals have managed to squash that plan.

Now under cover of devastating fires and hurricanes, Trump and the Republicons are stacking the courts. Fascism is edging ever closer. All I can say is, “Hurry up! Robert Mueller! Those clanging bells signal a 10-alarm fire!”