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What a fine kettle of fish.

The president of the United States requested help from our arch nemesis to win the presidency; broke our traditional alliances; is allowing another hostile foreign power to rebuild their nuclear arsenal; literally gave allied intelligence to the KGB/GRU in the Oval Office; his son-in-law gave top secret information to Saudi Arabia; and now we find he and the RNC are receiving secretive PAC donations from a sex trafficker.

Remember when Boko Haram in Nigeria stole the young girls of Chibok Girl’s School? The outcry from the world helped find and return many of them – traumatized, pregnant or mothers.

In light of the sexual slavery racket taking place within only a short distance of Mar-a-Lago and the closeness of the Trumps to human trafficker Cindy Yang, we must ask, “Where are the girls who were taken at our border?”

I have seen many videos of young teen-aged boys walking in long lines around the camps and heard of the babies in cages; but not a word nor a picture of any teen-aged girls. I don’t know why; but the horror of seeing all the big wigs of the Republican Party having their pictures taken with the sex-slaver has begun to really worry me.

Mobsters move in when government is weak; Mitch McConnell and the GOP have weakened our government for their own gain. So now, it appears Trump runs the US mob; Putin runs Russia’s and behind all international mobsters is Semion Mogilevich, the don of the transnational organized criminal cabal that’s destroying the world for personal wealth. The human toll is nothing to them, we are their puppets and random slaves.

Trump’s mob is arrogant and brazen, and this deep character flaw may prove to be their undoing. Recently, the Trumps received Chinese trademark rights to “Trump Spas.” In light of the recent unmasking of Cindy Yang’s close ties to the Republican leadership (she has pictures with counselor to the president, KellyAnne Conway, and both Trump sons) we have to ask why?

Is this the thread that will unravel them all?