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The exact midpoint of the Trump presidency coincided with the eclipse of the full moon that was visible throughout North and South America. Myths portray lunar eclipses as portents of evil and it doesn’t seem farfetched.

We have entered the second month without our government functioning and 100s of 1000s are furloughed or forced to work, without pay. Social programs that millions more depend on soon, will abruptly end, causing panic in the hearts of those who are unable to pay their bills, rent, utilities, car payments or buy food. The ripple effect reaches all segments of our economy and the longer Trump demands that the government doesn’t function, the deeper the economic and social damage.

Putin of course, is gleeful. As an accused agent of a hostile foreign power, Trump is weakening administrative functions of our government on purpose. Some in his administration say that locking out the civil servants is part of the goal. I wonder if they have privatization in mind? Can’t you imagine the possibility for corruption there? Entire departments stand to be looted.

Trump’s tariffs allowed Russia to supplant U.S. farmers’ sales of soybeans to China; a market that will never come back. Trump also exited the TPP and our farmers are not allowed to compete with a broad range of trading partners. Trade between our partners in North America has been disrupted with NAFTA ended, and there’s no new agreement to take its place.

With each passing day, we discover that more and more of our Republican Senators have betrayed us. It’s now known that Lindsey Graham took $800,000 from a Chinese national during his failed presidential bid. The donor is in prison for illegally funneling foreign money into U.S. elections. What has happened to the Republican Party that its members would en-masse become traitors to our country and they think that winning at any cost is worth the soul crushing experience of betraying their country?

It seems very likely that Mueller’s team will indict and Congress will impeach; but, the damage done will take a long time to rectify. Stay awake and engaged.