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We needn’t speculate why the government is entering its 4th week of a shutdown; the FBI has accused Donald Trump of being an agent of a hostile foreign government. So is the goal to destroy our government and economy? Trump, McConnell and the GOP are blatantly working to ruin our lives and way of life.

Putin must be absolutely gleeful. He has the U.K. and the U.S. in chaos and shutdown and he’s working on France even today. By throwing NATO governments into disarray, he is now free to invade smaller countries without hindrance. Putin’s pal, MSB in Saudi Arabia, is committing genocide in Yemen (with the help of the U.S. military) and disrupting neighboring African nations while striving to become a nuclear power.

The goal is obviously world domination by violence and authoritarian means. We have shifted the “Axis of Evil” and become a satellite of the Center of evil, Russia. America is no longer a beacon of hope; but a fearful nation looking for “Big Daddy” to protect us from whatever individual fear one might have. In the process, we are no longer a government of, by and for the people.

We have become the slaves of a tyrant’s whims. This month, it’s a government shutdown over demands for a wall; tomorrow he’ll have another way to disrupt our lives until our government is as broken as Russia’s. Only 62% of Russian homes have all indoor utilities, i.e., toilets, heat and running water. Cities are littered with trash because there are no government services to even clean the streets – tyrants have stolen all their money for luxury yachts, planes and homes around the world.

We can already feel the squeeze; more than a million people (contractors as well as government employees) have lost their livelihoods affecting millions more. Our government services are grinding to a halt for lack of funding; the tyrant in our White House says he and McConnell will continue the shutdown for months or years more.

We must stand for our country if Congress will not. Tell Congress “Open our Government!” (202) 224-3121.