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In the past year and a half, Trump has produced nearly 8000 tweets, 5000 lies, made 110 visits to his golf resorts, held 23 campaign rallies and not a single press conference. We are swimming, soon to be drowning, in debt. In just the past seven months, Trump’s Republicons have added nearly one trillion dollars to our national debt by way of tax scams designed for the ultra rich and they’re planning yet another before this November’s election.

Right at the nasty middle of this attempted theft of our money is none other than Steve Womack, our very own District 3 Congressman. This rude man screams at his constituents and demeans them when they dare question him about this theft of our money. He thinks he is our master, not our representative.

Republicon Womack is proposing that our SS trust fund (money that we put aside for our retirements) be used to plug the hole in the budget caused by Republicons’ $1.5 trillion gift to corrupt crony corporatists, many of whom aren’t residents of the US, much less citizens. During his four terms, Womack’s only proposed legislation is this one; it’s designed to steal our savings through this theft of $300 billion Social Security/Medicare funds.

Arkansas is noted for corrupt politicians and it sure lives up to the reputation. Fired from a reality company for his corruptibility and under a cloud from the $600,000 Ecclesia GIF theft, Bob Ballinger is running for state senate. Bob’s big platform is the Koch’s Constitutional Convention scam, designed to strip us of the last of our remaining rights and money. After adding over a trillion dollars to our national debt this year, Republicons are demanding a balanced budget!

Okay, now that you’ve stopped laughing and are staring in shock, remember this is the election of our lives. We all have a part to play in this final act of democracy. We can be the hero/heroines of our own lives, or we can wait for someone else to care.