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The darkness drops again; but now I know

That twenty centuries of stony sleep

Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? ”The Second Coming” William Butler Yeats

The standard definition of war has been armed conflict between two nation states, but that definition was long before the Internet. Now that definition must expand to include cyber war.

Before the USSR was bankrupted through endless war in Afghanistan with US backed Mujahedeen, Nikita Khrushchev vowed Russia would destroy us from within and today they’re very close their goal: Destroying democracy and America. This is not being done through conventional warfare; but, through cyber war on the Internet.

Last week the Russians were caught hacking our electrical grid control system and there’s potential to seize control of our many interconnected systems, including our nuclear power plants and of course, our electronic voting systems. To date the Republicon/GOP controlled Congress refuses to protect our votes by not funding cyber security efforts needed to produce fair and free elections.

It almost (?) seems they employ election fraud (not to be confused with voter fraud) because they know they cannot win without cheating. Their standard methods of cheating (district gerrymandering, voter suppression) are no longer enough to produce the results they want; now they’re resorting by treasonously enlisting adversarial countries to finish the job.

The finished job they want is tyranny. As George W. Bush famously noted at the beginning of his residency, “This would be much easier if I were a dictator.” Trump is striving to become one.

Having come of age during 1960’s assassinations, Viet Nam, Watergate, maturing through Iran/Contra, and seething as an adult after Bush’s selection by five unelected officials, the subsequent 9/11 attack and illegal Iraq War, I recognize the signs of treason.        

This ultimate betrayal of treason by people who have sworn by everything they consider holy, to defend our Constitution, is my entry into old age. Since I’m old, meh; but, for everyone who might live another 50 or so years, this is the Make or Break election.



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