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“Money Money Money makes the world go round.” Monty Python

Vladimir Putin is among the richest men in the world, on paper at least. He would be truly rich if there were no sanctions preventing him from retrieving the billions he has stashed around the world.

Enter, Donald Trump. Donald has an insatiable desire for the trappings of wealth and power; fancy apartments, houses, hotels and golf courses where the rich and famous mingle. Of course, his properties serve a dual purpose, they apparently help launder money stolen from countries such as Kazakhstan, which resulted in a more than three billion dollar haul.

Of course, it is work to wash so much filthy lucre and Donald’s properties are a very good buy. I have no idea of the monetary split, but I can assure you there is one and Donald likes two scoops.

Enter former Marine Robert Mueller III, Special Counsel.

Mueller was assigned to find out who was involved and why the 2016 election was hacked by Russian military spies. In only 14 months, Mueller’s investigation has already resulted in either indictments or guilty pleas from 32 people and three companies. So, why is this GOP Congress hell-bent on shutting down this investigation? Could the Republicons be complicit in hacking our democracy to hold onto power?

The most revealing parts of this investigation will occur during Paul Manafort’s upcoming trials. Chosen by Trump to be campaign chairman, Manafort chose Mike Pence for VP. Manafort has two upcoming trials, one to begin July 24 and the other scheduled for September.

Known to have worked with Putin’s agent Oleg Deripaska, Manafort helped overthrow the Ukrainian government; now he’ll be on trial for trying to do the same thing here.

The biggest questions to be answered in these upcoming trials are what did Trump know, when did he know it and what did he do, before and after he knew what Manafort’s real job was?

Along with millions of other Americans, I want to know if Trump is innocent, why won’t he cooperate with Special Counsel?

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