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The world is watching spellbound as Trump enacts a script from Nazi playbooks. Republicons and private prison owners, along with “I’m just following orders” minions, are stealing small children from their refugee parents in plain sight.

But the real dirty, evil work is done in DC Republicon conference rooms. The Republicon controlled House passed a bill to steal our Social Security and Medicare trust funds to the tune of $300 billion. Our very own Steve Womack (R) crafted and worked to pass that thieving legislation. That’s real money, folks.

Why? To plug the devastating budget shortfall created by Republicons’ $1.5 trillion gift to the likes of Kochs, DeVos, Waltons, Trump and many Republicon members of the House and the Senate.

Republicons are just that; con artists, with Trump as their con-artist-in-chief.

Our Republicon Artist, Steve Womack seems gleeful that he is taking food from the mouths of children, the elderly and infirm, not just in our state, but the whole nation. He also seems especially proud that he is working diligently to destroy the Social Security system that keeps people from destitution, and has been in place for 83 years.

The U.N. just published a 2018 report stating poverty in America is real; deep and ever expanding under Trump and Republicon rule. Steve Womack (R) hopes we all starve to death.

You can tell Bob Ballinger and Steve Womack are both Republicons; they grift. Bob’s cash seems to come from state GIF funds and Steve Womack gets his loot as “campaign donations.” Don’t you wish they would represent us, the people of their districts, instead of themselves? Has either representative ever proposed legislation to help the people who elected them?

They are self-serving and do not deserve re-election. In Ballinger’s case, he may even deserve prison time.

This election will tell the tale. As a “majority rules” country, this election will answer many questions. Do we hate more than we want to live? Is hate for “other” so strong Republicon voters would rather we starve than share with their neighbor? We will create the ending. Register and Vote!