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I’m not surprised by the uproar caused by a comedienne skewering the press and White House Press Secretary; although I am amused by the hypocrisy of those offended. Michelle Wolf’s pointed joke about Sarah H. Sanders wiping ashes of burned facts turned to lies on like eye make-up and then spewing those lies to the broken press – CNN, you broke it!

Michelle Wolf definitely didn’t act like a “lady.” Ladies demur to speak, and then only behind her hand. Christian patriarchy has women divided into three categories; sex object, mother or child. These roles allow men all freedom and chain women to the basement of life.

Women have only had the right to vote for 98 years. There have only been 331 women in Congress during the last 100 years they have been allowed into the halls of power.

The word “allow” is important. Women have been subjected to ducking stools, gagging, and gossip’s bridles for speaking up. Over centuries, women have been burned alive and drowned for the crowd’s amusement and of course, as a lesson to any other uppity woman who would dare to speak

But this is 2018 and you can only shut a woman up now by having Donald Trump’s attorney/fixer shush her with a $130,000 payment. And even that might not be enough.

In all the criticism Wolf received after her scathing review of the stenographers in the WH Press Corps and the daily lies told by this administration (more than 2000 by Trump alone), no one has mentioned her statement about real obscenities – Flint, Michigan still has no clean drinking water. Puerto Rico still needs electricity. Trump’s cabinet has helped themselves to millions of dollars from our Treasury and HUD plans to triple rent payments for the poorest of the poor.

To men who have experienced white male privilege their entire lives and the women who have been subjugated for so long, they who see the outspoken young woman speaking truth, and are horrified, suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.

Literally millions of women became uppity on January 21, 2017 and you can’t put the genie back into the bottle.