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I admit it. I’ve been depressed for the past six months. To watch all that I have known and worked for destroyed with careless disregard for all planetary life has shown me how banal evil really is.

I’m part of that large wave of Baby Boomers and I’ve seen many changes in social norms; but Trump and the Republicons have shredded every norm in their insatiable desire for money and power.

But perhaps that light at the end of the tunnel isn’t the headlight of an oncoming train! Call this one a victory of the people. If you made phone calls, sent emails, signed petitions, attended town halls or most impressively, placed your fragile, disabled human body on the line in Washington, this victory is because of you.

It’s true that two Republicon women were staunch No votes and John McCain cast the deciding No to the profound relief of millions upon millions of Americans; but, those votes were the results of constant, sustained pressure applied to Congress for the past several months. This has given me hope. There is still such a thing as the Power of the People.

Our next battle is for economic fairness. Trump and the Republicons are joining forces to loot our Treasury and steal our Medicare and Social Security Trust Funds. Their scheme is to boost the bank accounts of those who will never want by stealing everything from the rest of us.

With this victory, we have a model. Let’s turn our energy and people power to stopping the perverted tax reform scam in its ugly tracks.

There is no respite from the struggle against Evil. If there was a fault of Baby Boomers, it was that we thought we had won; and spent our lives building businesses and careers and raising children instead of focusing on the long game that evil always plays. Edmund Burke once wrote, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good wo/men to do nothing.”

A new generation today has suddenly awakened to our perilous reality; they have the energy to help turn the wheel, to change the paradigm to a more peaceful and egalitarian society.