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In wildness lies the preservation of the world. Thoreau

This is an amazing little community. Four years ago, this community fought the state and power companies like banshees to stop the destruction of our mountainous environment.

Now, lured by 40 pieces of silver, the city “administration” has given all that is holy about these same mountains over to the tires of extreme mountain bikes. The trail construction alone will destroy and disrupt precious, rare, indigenous, endangered species of native plants and animals that are of conservation concern. The topography hasn’t changed, but dollar signs are spinning in their heads and BOOM! Suddenly these mountains aren’t so important after all. One excuse for the inexcusable is that there must be some “use” for the land, as though it shouldn’t simply exist.

The Christian dominion theory is that man can do whatever he wants to Earth and all her inhabitants. We have seen the results of this profit-driven principle and it just hit our home full force.

We know worldwide degradation of the planet’s resources and climate upheaval are real. Nightly news is filled with ecological disaster after disaster. Tucked away, we were almost untouched. But greed for Walton money is strong. Couched in “community-speak,” those who can claim no ownership have given away what is ours; the green spaces of our community. These are not leaders, they’re looters.

This state is almost lawless. There are no county home building codes; no environmental impact reports are required for even the most heinous plans and citizens are kept in the dark about schemes until they are sprung full grown and in progress.

Where was the public comment period for this project? Why was the Parks Department so hush-hush until the contract was signed! Public/Private projects do two things; impoverish the public and enrich the private businessmen. As they say, follow the money.

Personally, I’m ashamed for our mayor and council. They have let down the community by selling or giving away to special interests what is ours. What is their payoff? What will the citizens gain? You’ve got some explaining to do.