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President Putin has called for our troops to withdraw from Syria and his handpicked regional puppet, Donald Trump, began complying; however Assad’s chemical attack last week may change the game plan again. Maybe we’ll bomb another empty airbase?

For being “the best” negotiator, Trump certainly has given away the farm. Or, as Putin’s regional puppet, is Trump doing a great job negotiating with America’s wannabe oligarchs, parceling off the country? Maybe Putin will give him a plum when he comes to our White House (he’s coming to measure for drapes?)

Is it possible the chaos spun from this White House is not a distraction but Active Measures ordered by Trump’s boss, Putin? For example, who benefits from Trump’s Trade War with China? It certainly isn’t the American people. China has declared tit for tat and resulting costs can only hurt the American taxpayer and allow Russia to fill the vacuum in China’s markets.

Corruption oozes from every department of this administration sullying the fabric of our society and degrading our government with their utter disregard for laws and norms. Trump’s Cabinet blatantly steals from government coffers, his top advisor sells U.S. secrets to foreign governments, and meanwhile Special Counsel Mueller’s digging deeper into the underbelly of Trump’s connections to Russia’s FSB and GRU.

Then there are the lies. So many lies come from the mouths of Trump and his spokespeople that trying to discern the truth is a laughable exercise. At latest count (in addition to the daily falsehoods of the White House spokespeople on his behalf) Trump tells six lies each day, undermining confidence in our government. Neither U.S. citizens nor world leaders can possibly depend on the word of our government if truth is “alternative” and policies shift like desert sand.

Most troubling of all is the dismantling of decade’s long environmental safeguards against climate degradation. Our fragile planetary environment requires sustained efforts by us all, especially our government. Instead, Scott Pruitt has secret phone calls with polluting industry leaders allowing them to craft legislation favoring their bottom line at the expense of the world.

I say enough!