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If you are not paying for the product, you are the product. Internet saying

Facebook’s owner Zuckerberg admitted he gave (sold?) personal data from 50 million Americans to be used for political purposes. What he didn’t say: Not only information of 50 million players of those ubiquitous psychological profile games, but whether they played or not, friends and friends of friends’ information was also stolen… totally a mind numbing 240 billion world citizens.

Soon after earnestly declaring “people own their own information” in a 2009 television interview, Mark Zuckerberg is recorded in a phone call offering his friend targeted strangers’ personal information saying “They just give me the information. They trust me… the dumb fools.”

In 2010, Cambridge University received six million pounds from Putin’s cohort, Dmytro Firtash, to set up a university program studying mass behavior and how to change it through psychological profile data research. The program was staffed with suspected Russian KGB agents, led by Aleksandr Kogan, aka Alex Spectre. The information and tools developed were then spun off into a political propaganda firm called Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL.)

In 2013, extreme right-wing billionaire, Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah, sent Steve Bannon to set-up a fully staffed Psy-ops headquarters in Cambridge, England. Using the university’s prestige to mask their true intent, the company was named Cambridge Analytica (CA.) Their goal: Create a powerful psychological tool capable of manipulating entire unsuspecting populations in order to subvert those nations’ policies and politics.

Driven by greed and lust for power, Trump, Putin and the cabal’s goal is to promote chaos, hatred and division through fear and scapegoating; causing the breakdown of democratic society, thus paving the way for a dictator like Putin.

CA’s program was rolled out for the 2014 US midterm election; among the early users of voter manipulation was our own US Senator, Tom Cotton. Even today, Trump’s new NSA Director, John Bolton (who has a SuperPAC) is spending millions of Mercers’ money on SCL’s and CA’s disinformation propaganda campaigns.

It’s time to wipe the Sandman’s dream dust from our eyes, awaken to reality and salvage our democracy.