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Soon it will be Easter, a high holy day in the Christian religion. Many people proclaim that Easter proves that Jesus died for our sins; it also shows that you carry the seeds of your actions with you. Jesus arose to be with God because his actions led him there. I believe that we are each responsible for what we do here on Earth and that we create heaven and hell by our daily actions.

During this time of great reflection on what His teachings mean to us today, I think of the young black teenage boy lying in a hospital bed suffering from bullet wounds to his 17 year old body. He is suffering because instead of hiding from the gunman at MDS High School, he rushed to bar the door to keep his fellow classmates from being murdered.

I think of the young black woman who saved the life of a bigoted congressman even though she knew he hated her for the color of her skin. While he outwardly thanked her for saving his life, he maintains his bigotry and hard heart even today.

What does it take to soften one’s heart to be so compassionate that you would die a horrible death so that others might follow your example of extreme love for all living beings?

Our beliefs are not something we repeat in church on Sunday. Our beliefs are how we live our daily lives. How we think, what we say and do, not the lofty words read from the Bible, are our beliefs and our lives are filled with daily choices and chances to show or change what they are.

I think the question we must each ask ourselves; when we die (and we all do) will you meet God with a heart filled with love and gratitude for His Creation of life, or with an empty husk blackened by hate and bigotry?

Easter is the day that Jesus also showed there is life after death. His message to prepare was simple and clear, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”


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