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The ties between the Russians and the Americans in the Russia Affair are twisted together like poison ivy vines, covering trees and smothering the forest. Unfortunately, the forest is our democracy and the idea that majority can rule.

I now know it’s true, fish rot does indeed start from the head; top Trump campaign officials, the Russian GRU/KGB and a complicit media created a Devil’s bargain for money, for power, for greed.  

Beginning in 2012 The Internet Research Agency, led by Russian spy Konstantin Rykov, hired hundreds of workers and spent millions of dollars to turn us against each other to make sure there is no more United States of America; rather a society filled with deep divisions and hatred for “other.”

I love the multi-cultural nature of our country, the melodies of different languages and their arts and different foods. To be sure, we have many dialects and cuisines here in the US, but to quote Vincent Van Gogh, “The best way to know God is to love many things.” Our world is too big and beautiful to only want to know and see what we already know and see. We are lucky to be able to explore the world’s many cultures right here in America, the Melting Pot of the World. Our Lady of Liberty stands in the harbor with her torch lit as a welcoming beacon.

“What has happened to us?” I have asked myself so many times. Now we have an answer: Russian Cyber Warfare, aided and abetted by treasonous Americans. Friday’s federal indictments for election hacking named 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies. At the same time an American pleaded guilty to selling those same people and companies our names, social security numbers and bank account numbers.

In other words, they are using us against ourselves. Trump vulgarly tweeted “Russians are laughing their asses off.” They are laughing because we have squandered our freedom of speech and press to further their agenda.

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” – Sun Tzu. What comes of this opportunity depends on “which wolf we chose to feed.”