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Donald Trump claimed he would hire only the best people. But what he didn’t say was at what they would excel. Some of those “best” men he hired excel at abusing women; and as Jennifer Rubin noted, “Since abusers lie, you’ll have someone dishonest to the core.” So, in Trump speak, it means he hired deeply flawed human beings.

Three of his “best” ex-employees were accused by their wives of being beaten by them. One ex-wife provided pictures of her black eye. Another alleged her then husband put out a cigarette on her hand. When Trump learned yet another man beat his wife, he affectionately nicknamed him “BamBam.”

And who can forget that Trump’s first wife swore in a court deposition that he pulled her hair and “sexually violated” her. She later recanted the rape. However, Trump has admitted on tape to being a serial sexual predator and has been publicly accused of unwanted sexual advances by 19 women.

Recently Trump’s friend, Steve Wynn, was forced to resign from his political position as treasurer of the RNC and from his gambling empire, after decades of brutalizing his female employees became known.

Joni Mitchell wrote these lyrics in the 70s… ”You don’t like weak women they make you sick; you don’t like strong women ‘cause they’re hip to your tricks.” Fortunately, that “you” doesn’t represent all men; only those who are so consumed by fear and ignorance, they bully and strut to cover their true feelings of inferiority.

The deplorable actions of these men are not new or news. Few women are shocked; but most are fed up with misogyny in all its forms. Indeed it does seem that it might be #TimesUp for misogyny.

It is not the responsibility of women to “fix” the problem of men being deplorable. Rather this is a call to men who are strong in themselves who see each of us as human beings. It is you who must teach your fellows the meaning of being human.

Through the combined efforts of both strong women and men, indeed we can introduce a new paradigm of equality and dignity.