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During World War II, the Germans used a technique called the Blitzkrieg. The idea was to attack on every front with every military force you possess. The target is unable to respond because there are too many fronts and not enough forces to repel so many attacks at once.

George Bush used this technique for political purposes, but Steve Bannon and Roger Stone are absolute masters of the Dirty Tricks Blitzkrieg, and we, the American population, are having a hard time just keeping up, much less being able to respond intelligently.

Of course, the Trump White House doesn’t want you to keep up and is doing everything in its power to keep us all in the dark. No cameras at press briefings, very limited White House Comment operators, a website that once offered Melania’s jewelry, but doesn’t have information on the environment, LGBTQ issues or other social issues that are important to the American people.

For the past six months, it has been a neck and neck race to see if the Republicons destroy more than 20 percent of our national economy, leaving our lives in ruins by crashing health insurance, before Donald Trump completely hands our country over to the Russians. Either scenario offers a stomach churning moment for most thinking Americans.

Now we have confirmation that Trump and his campaign collaborated with a hostile foreign government to steal the election in 2016 and all we can do is wait for the Special Counsel to give us his findings of what happened.

And in the background, we have Mitch McConnell daub dropping millions and billions of dollars here and there to Republicon Senators. He’s dangled $1.8 billion to save Alaska’s Medicaid to get Murkowski’s vote to screw every other state. Mitch still needs to squeeze out that $1 trillion for the wealthy to get tax cuts, and cutting Medicaid for the other states will accomplish his goal.

Without one more Republicon with a conscience, this abomination will be the law of the land. So, schedule all medical procedures for this year, because next year our health will be in the hands of those who feel nothing for us. Their latest ploy is: sure, offer insurance policies that cover nothing for lots more money. Even insurance companies say this is unworkable.  

But then again, you may want to die an early death to avoid The Brave New World of Oligarchs and Trillionaires.