Follow the rubles



It seems Hillary Clinton was right. Our new president appears to be a puppet of the Russian government. It has been reported that Trump’s Attorney General, Chief of Staff, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of State, NSA Advisor, Campaign Manager, Foreign Policy Advisor, Communications Aide and son-in-law were/are all working with the Russians.

Even Congress member Devin Nunes is involved with Russians. Nunes, who was a member of Trump’s transition team, is the Republicon in charge of the House Intelligence Committee hearings on Trump’s involvement with Russia. Outside of being a congressman, Nunes is half owner of a winery and his Russian partner is a close friend of Vladimir Putin.

Trump himself is indirectly linked to Russian money. His bank, to which he owes $300 million, is Deutsche Bank. That bank was recently fined $630 million for laundering Russian mob money.

In 1960, Nikita Krushchev famously banged his shoe on the desk at the UN and screamed, “We do not need to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”

Sadly, 57 years later, it may be coming true.

Sheri Hanson