

Hello World, and particularly to the thousands of burnt-out survivors in California; please, pass the following information about just how easy it is to build a fireproof home with economically feasible and available building materials. 

Here it is in a nutshell: 1. Roof your house with the very commonly used green metal 2. Side your home with concrete lapboard siding (available, beautiful, and lasts forever).

The entire world will eventually have the type of drought California experienced.

I built our home 25 years ago like I just described, and it looks brand new, is completely maintenance free, and as I am experiencing my dotage, I feel totally safe even though I have been bedridden this last quarter of a century.

To all the news anchors in California, I charge you with the spiritual obligation to spread the word, for by doing so, you can save many people the hardship that others have just gone through. 

Ron Horton, retired Educator   

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