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Phew! Another week through a pandemic completed and the sanity I was slowly losing has returned. It’s been helped by Leon learning how to crawl which has been a new adventure and a half to live with. My N64 and NES being pulled off the shelf everyday has taught me that my house is not as baby-proofed as needed but at least the yard looks great! Ange’s roses are in full bloom and I am taming the Johnson Grass with the weedwhacker. On to the Soul!

This week we are not going to be talking about music which may come as a cold shocker, but wait! Don’t go just yet. I have an alternative. Next Thursday, May 14, Brews is hosting their monthly Word Brews: Catch a Breath, an online open mic through Facebook Messenger. Poetry, storytelling, comedy, music or anything in between you can share with others if you have the courage to get on screen. Option theme is “catch a breath.” Tell how the quarantine has helped you catch a breath or why it’s made breathing harder. Share your experience. I’m thinking about joining with some haikus. I don’t tell many this, but I Love haikus. Short, sweet and I can think more about how the lines connect rather than their rhyme scheme.

If you want to participate contact Word Brews on Facebook for how to join on day of. Starts at 6:30 p.m. This is Jeremiah, signing off for now. See you all next week.