Feelings on respect



I am a member/Sgt. at Arms of the Walker-Wilson American Legion Post #9 of Eureka Springs. On Saturday, June 16, we re-dedicated the American Flag in Basin Park which was graciously donated by Cornerstone Bank. There was a speech by Mayor Butch Berry and a lovely song sung by one of our ESHS students.

The old worn flag was taken down to the sound of “Taps” being blown by our bugler from the post’s honor guard and it was retired. The new flag was raised to all its glory.

There was a small but attentive crowd. But there was one thing that really ticked me off. During “Taps” and raising of the new flag, there was a woman standing close to us who was talking loudly on her cell phone.

While some of us were saluting and some standing with hands over their hearts, this lady was just loudly gabbing away with no regard or respect for the ceremony, the flag, or what was happening.

Being a Vietnam veteran who fought for that flag, I was ticked! I wanted to shove that cell phone down her throat.

Is there no respect? Speaking of which, I didn’t see any newspaper people or photographers at this ceremony. So I was not surprised that there was no coverage about it in either one of our local papers.

Sonny Smith

[Eds. Note: If we don’t know about an event, rest assured we won’t show up. Someone has to tell us it’s happening.]